New Chevrolet Camero for 2013
NASCAR Brings A Different Look In 2013
More than two years on the drawing board and countless hours in the wind tunnel came to fruition Monday when NASCAR approved a next-generation Sprint Cup car for 2013. It's going to be a very busy off season for Ford, Dodge, Chevy and Toyota manufacturing to build its own doors, fenders, hoods and other detailed parts of their new designed race cars. This is great for the fans, to be able to identify their favorite race car with their favorite manufacture. A headache for NASCAR to assure no manufacture gets a huge aerodynamic advantage over there other? Perhaps! But I say it's worth it!
You would have to go back to the 80's as far a so much stuff being made by manufactures. NASCAR has wanted parody and have pushed the teams in a direction of the Iroc Series, where every car is almost identical. The bad part is no one could identify what car was a Ford vs a Chevy. Oh I guess you could look on the nose and read the logo Chevy, Ford, Toyota or Dodge. The cars are sleek looking, this should excite NASCAR fans for 2013. I applaud NASCAR for realizing the direction they were going wasn't the direction their fans wanted to see their sport go.